Untitled, (fios - threads) (1974-77)
Video, 2’30”, B&W, silent

The 1977 video has no cuts and is fully done in a single close-up shot, one long take. At first, we see only the slightly inclined face, the shoulders, and parts of the artist’s hands, hands that begin the gesture of wrapping her own head with a nylon thread.

Artist’s private collection, Galeria Marcelo Guarnieri.
Video Art Exhibition, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania (1975); Mostra de Arte Experimental de Filmes Super-8, Audiovisual e Videotape, MAM Rio and Galerie de la Maison de France (1975); solo show, MAM Rio (1976); 7 artistas do vídeo, MAC USP (1977); XIV Bienal Internacional de São Paulo (1977); Art Video, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1980); Quasi Cinema, Centro Internazionale di Brera, Milano (1980).
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